Monday, December 20, 2010

Be Still....

Shopping for presents, wrapping said presents, Christmas parties, work, mommy duties, home caring, more work, church, worrying about things that shouldn't be worried about, more shopping for presents, staying up late, church, getting the children where they need to go, more work, more shopping, sleeping a little is in there some where....

That seems to be the routine in my little home lately and let me tell you, I'm pooped! As most of you know, I'm not the most social of creatures, I'm pretty happy being by myself most of the time. With all of the comings and goings, one phrase has been running through my head of late and that phrase is "Be Still...". This isn't just a physically be still, it's a mental and emotional stillness as well. Do you ever feel that your brain is going too fast and that if someone says something wrong you'll shatter? I do, and usually it's during times of great activity. This weekend everything fell apart, I was cranky, depressed and short with the hubby and the children and generally not the happy go lucky person I usually am. As I was sitting on the couch last night, trying to keep it all together, that phrase---be still, came again into my mind and heart. I sent the children to bed, Mike was outside doing Mike stuff, and I was alone (finally). I took that time to just be still mentally. I could feel my tattered edges being put back together, my mind and spirit calming. I told Mike this morning that I was feeling better, that the time by myself helped and he was glad to have the regular old me back.

This general craziness also led me to think about the post Christmas funk that many people suffer. Is it maybe because the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas is go, go, go, that after Christmas, when the going is done, our minds, bodies and spirits are just given out? I think so. Does that mean the stuff at the beginning isn't going to get done? No. But, I will remember to take time for myself, to just be still. I hope you all will as well.

Peace, love and merry Christmas to you all!


Anonymous said...

Good advice! At the moment, I'm enjoying some of that stillness, and it's oh so good for my soul!

Anita said...

I like that thought, Kristi. And I am feeling in serious need of some of that stillness! said...



Bojan said...

Presents can be " painful " when you have to pay for them :)

Genuine said...

Very interesting and that is true about not showing some parts...there is also age...( medical interpreter training owner of Hereditates