Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We survived....

As many of you know, yesterday was the first day of school for my kiddos. It was also the first day that Jared would be getting off of the bus by himself at our little abode. He was under STRICT instructions to come in the door, let the dog out and call me at work-in that order. I knew about what time he was going to get home, so I waited, and waited and waited, developed an ulcer, waited, called the house, called the babysitter's house just in case, waited some more. Kiersten finally called to tell me that she was home and that Jared was also at home and alive.

When I asked Jared what happened, he said that someone had erased the numbers from the board on the fridge. Well, I had moved the numbers to a more manageable level for him---read eye level for him, right beside the fridge door handle. We talked about looking for things on the fridge and giving mommy a panic attack, and all was well. I reminded him again this morning where the numbers were and again today sat by my phone waiting for him to call---and he did! I've never looked so forward to a phone call (except when Kiersten first started staying at home by herself) all day. It seems to make the day go by so much quicker.

Anyway, a report on the first day...Jared had a blast! He loved it and was excited about going back today (this never happens and briefly made me wonder what alien race had taken over the small boy child). When he called this afternoon, he was happy and upbeat and talked about torturing me with homework. Loved his teachers and is adjusting well. All in all a great day. For Kiersten the day was great as well, she looked cute and had a pretty good hair day. Her teachers are good and she was excited about English I especially. I looked at the book list for her and told Mike that we're going to be shelling out some cash for her books, but all is well. It's all literature books, not a vampire book in the bunch but hopefully she will enjoy them. She has PE and health for related arts 1st nine weeks (she is her mother's daughter and the only time she runs is if someone is chasing her). But she has a positive outlook, she's getting them over with. She's very excited about 8th grade and I'm excited for her.

Well, that's all from my end of the world. I just wanted to let you all know, especially my western readers (big wave to papa and granma C) that the babies survived, and so did I (barely).

Peace and love y'all!


Alyssa said...

I'm glad they both had a great first day! I love reading your blog. Your posts are always so funny and sarcastic and witty. Love it!

i'm excited for bowling next week! :)

House of Squitty said...

I cannot believe that Miss K is in the eight grade! I'm feeling old.

scchesleys said...

@Alyssa---I'm so excited and I'm a crappy bowler! The sarcasm is just a natural byproduct of being "the epitome of sweetness and light".

@Tiff---tell me about it, I'm not ready for this.

Anita said...

I'm so glad they enjoyed themselves! Especially Jared. Maybe he is your child after all...

And I love the story of him not calling you the first day. Gave me a good laugh, that did. Maybe you should just set up your speed dial. Then he has no excuse.

Connie said...

Send me the list...I may have a stash of those books around the house and in the attack! I don't think the list has altered that much...classics are classics. I thought I would leave my typo up there for your amusement. In case you can't decipher it I meant the attic.

Jayne said...

I'm glad your middle-schooler had a "pretty good" hair day. That's so important to all girls, young and old alike. I love her new cut and style.