Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Normal? What's that?

Please excuse the recent absence of the writer of this blog. There was nothing to say that needed to be said online for fear of it coming back to haunt her. Now on to our regularly scheduled post.......

I was ruminating on the value of normality the other day and wondered what the heck is normal. What brought this up was a weeks long cruise on the good ship witchy for yours truly. I don't normally have great amounts of rage, temper tantrums, or shed lots of tears. It's just not in my general makeup. I'm normally a very even tempered person, a tad sarcastic but only to my nearest and dearest and stoic to a degree that sometimes worries my mother. After my cruise docked, I noted on facebook that I was back to normal after said cruise and a friend brought up that I am never normal. This was not said with malice and not taken with any offense because it's true. This led to my ponderings. What is normal? Is there a medical definition somewhere out there?

Let me tell you about normal in my house. Normal in my home is a 9 year old that thinks he's growing a mustache and insists on stroking his face in a rather villianish way. Normal is a 13 year old that has turned the floor of her closet into a "reading area" and has a deep and abiding love of vampire YA novels and sometimes might not be seen or heard from for hours. Normal is the 37 year old man who wakes me up talking about the number of spiders there are in the house, and although I know he's asleep it's a tad freaky because his eyes are open the whole time. I'm the epitome of sweetness and light with occasional tangents of meanness. Normal is our little family. Are we overly odd? Some might say so. Do we have slightly off-kilter senses of humor? Yep, every single one of us. Do we love to pick on each other and relish in finding something new to pick on a member of the family about? Heck yes, just ask Anita, she's such a good sport about the whole thing. That's normal for us. It might not be normal for you and your family.

I can only think of a few people that I would categorize as "normal" although I'm sure deep down they're really not.

Do you think in your heart of hearts that you're a "normal" person? What do you think of as normal? Share!

Until next time, peace and love y'all!


SCNONI said...

Good Grief...Normal??? Where do you think you got your "Normal" from? Just think of the 2 Grandmothers on my side of the family who were definetly NOT the epitome of sweetness and light. An occasional trip down the "witchy" road is, therefore, not a great stretch of the imagination for me or you.

Alyssa said...

I'm with you on this. I don't know if there really is such a thing as "normal". I think about my family, and I would say that we're anything but.

Anonymous said...

I love you because you are normal for Kristy

Christy Peake said...

I relish in my abnormalness, and like other people who feel the same. Abnormal = unique. I don't do cookie cutter robots.

Anita said...

Normal, shnormal. Who needs it? But I love being part of this crazy family!!

Connie said...

Who are you calling normal???
"conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern or free from mental disorder" Everyone's "normal" is different...THANK GOODNESS!!!

Love Ya (sarcasm and all)