Thursday, May 29, 2008

School's Out for Summer!!!

Yep, that song's been going through my mind all week long. The children are done with 6th and 2nd grade. Jared was worried that he wasn't going to be going to 3rd (don't know why, he made A/B honor roll all year long). He's a worrier like his mom. I know, this comes as a shock to many of you that only know me as the epitome of sweetness and light (candy bars and lightbulbs as Mike says), but I am a worrier. I'm trying to be better and sometimes I am, sometimes not.

Anywho, this blog isn't about me, it's about the kiddies. I missed Kiersten's awards day on Tuesday (we had a nice long discussion about telling mommy things before the night before), but she received the highest average in art and in English/Language Arts. I did attend Jared's thing on Wednesday, where he received a PE award ( the boy loves PE, says it's the only place he can run and jump and play without getting the whole Jared, stop, slow down, calm down thing) and A/B honor roll. I'm so proud of both of them, I have great kids.

Do we have plans for the summer? Nope. Kiersten is going to girls camp (Please Lord, let her have fun and not get hurt on the rock wall or zip line), Jared will be attending Cub Scout day camp (Please Lord, don't let my son get shot by a stray arrow or shoot anybody with a BB gun). That's about it. Pretty soon I'll be hearing "I'm BORED, I don't have anything TO DO!!!" But until then, I'm going to chill. No more teachers, no more books, no more homework, no more getting up at the crack of dawn to get everyone showered and dressed and out of the house by 7:10. WOOHOO!


Connie said...

this is the ONLY thing I miss about teaching school! Staying home all Summer, what bliss!

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! I admire Jared so much! He is such a perfect little man! Hunter really looks up to him as well! Kiersten will have plenty of time to write her book! Then we can read it for book club!

House of Squitty said...

It was so good to see you guys. I don't put innocent victims full names up...hence the Uncle B and J!