Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where have you been all of my life?

Dear Readers,
I love gadgets. I mean LOVE gadgets! The bad thing about it is that once I have them in my greedy little paws, I don't use them. So, palm pilot, ipod, camera that I only use occasionally, I'm going to apologize now because I have found a gadget that I could not possibly live without. Mike had thought about buying me one for Christmas, but I told him no, I don't want it to end up being one of those gifts that I don't use. Apparently on that day I was out of my mind.

Yes people, I have a Kindle and I'm addicted! For those of you who don't know what a Kindle is, it's an ereader from Amazon that you can download books to and take it with you EVERYWHERE! It's in my purse at the moment and I love it. I can take however many books with me at all times and it's only an itty bitty thing. I thought I would miss the page turning, the feel of a book in my hands. Nope.

This brings us to the problem-self control. As in I have absolutely none when it comes to books. BK (Before Kindle), I would stare longingly at the bookstore but never go in. Why? Because I would find something that I would absolutely have to have and then before I knew it, BAM, I'm walking out with three or four books that I "needed". If Crystal and I went perusing, I would give her my debit card and tell her, "I don't care what I tell you, do not give me that card! I don't need any new books, I'm saving my money for whatever." With my handy dandy Kindle, it's a click of a button and voila! Instant joy! That is until I see the money coming out of our checking account. But, Amazon also has free books which feeds the book addiction while introducing me to new authors that I wouldn't normally pick up and reunites me with the Classics.

Pardon me while I go and make a new list for books that absolutely have to be bought and their release dates. Happy reading!

peace and love y'all!


Christy Peake said...

Again, I'm drooling! Enough your new toy!!

scchesleys said...

I won't say another word! :-)

Christy Peake said...

That was supposed to say "Enjoy your new toy." LOL You deserve such wonderfulness!!! You need a photo of you reading it - for posterity sake of course. Oh, and I need some measurements!! ;-)

House of Squitty said...

Many of my clients have these and I think it is one of the greatest inventions to date. You of all people needed one of these so I'm glad you got it!

Anita said...

Maybe I should get one of these for Ben... :)

Connie said...

How did we ever live without them!
Mine goes everywhere I go except the bathtub I am not sure how waterproof it would be ;)

Connie said...

Ha! get off the Kindle and write a new blog post LOL!!!

Subjektet said...

hello there... nice blog...
Dropped into it, while surfing the the next blog button..listening to spotify playlist.
What books I'm reading? I read mostly norwegian books these days.. but just finished Ian Halperin's Michael Jackson behind the mask. and then a book about beeing a good daddy.. but that book isn't that cool. The writer, who is a man, seem to be a female fighter.. Everything is going in directly benefit for the mother!!! a norwegian writer. Can't even remember his name. Then I have the new release of Nick Cave on the table. cant't wait for that one... HE IS A GOOD WRITER. Then a 500 ibs block of an american writer of psychiatric profesion, called FEELING GOOD. Due to my own profesion and job. Well, so long..

best wishes from Norway